Need to report someone lost or missing? Dial 111 and ask for Police

Outdoor Intentions

Using the Outdoor Intentions form

Leaving your intentions with a trusted contact is one of the most important things that you can do before heading into the outdoors. The form below includes the key information that Search and Rescue will need if you don't return home when expected. 

  • Land-based activities: Complete the land-based intentions form below and email it to a trusted contact. Even if you are going for a short trip, make sure that you provide a trusted contact with the critical information shown in the form, and let them know what to do as your trusted contact if you don't return when expected. You can also do this via the Mountain Safety Counci's Plan My Walk app.
  • Boating: If you are heading out on a boat, please complete the marine intentions form either in the Coastguard App or by using the Marine Trip Report from Maritime New Zealand. Make sure that you provide a trusted contact with all critical information and let them know what to do as your trusted contact if you don't return when expected.

What to do if you are a nominated, trusted contact

If a person or group that you are a trusted contact for doesn't return when expected, then you need to: 

  • Try to contact them, and then other members of the group (if any), as well as friends and family members who may know of their whereabouts
  • Wait one more hour if you can't get hold of anyone who knows where they are
  • Try contacting them again after one hour
  • If you still haven't heard from anyone after this time, phone 111 and ask for Police.


Outdoor Intentions Form (Land Activities)

Complete the online form below and email it to your trusted contact, or download the PDF.

Not on email? If you don't have an email address for your trusted contact, you could instead provide information containted within this form to them in print form using the PDF, by text message or social media message, or even give someone a call and have them write the key information - just make sure they confirm they have received your intentions information and know what to do as your trusted contact, before you go.

Terms and Conditions of Use

Please read the Terms and Conditions of Use, featured underneath the Intentions Form, below.

What is your expected date and time of return:

This is the date and time by which you expect to have returned safely from your trip and alerted your Trusted Contact. If you do not alert your Trusted Contact by this time, the instructions they receive will tell them to start the follow up process which may eventually involve contacting the Police. Always tell your Trusted Contact as soon as you have returned safely.


What, where and when are you going on your outdoor adventure?

Note: Always enter your progress and changes to plan in hut logbooks, even if you don't stay overnight.

Outdoor user/leader details

(Overseas visitors please include your passport number and your nationality.)

Details of your group members

(Overseas visitors please include your passport number and your nationality.)

What type of emergency equipment are you carrying?

Please tick all that apply and complete details as appropriate.

How are you travelling to and from the area?

Type of vehicle or public transport etc. Please also include the name of bus/rental car/public transport company if applicable.

Where will you be going after leaving the area?

e.g. name/address/telephone of accommodation:

Details for your Trusted Contact

Please Note: Only the email address fields for you, your Trusted Contact and your return date/time are compulsory. However the more details you provide, the better the search and rescue agencies will be able to respond should the alert be raised.

Full Terms and Conditions of Use

  • The Outdoors Intentions email mechanism and form is provided free of charge but without warrant or guarantee.
  • 'OUTDOORS USER' refers to the person using the email mechanism or form to complete their Outdoors Intentions.
  • 'TRUSTED CONTACT' refers to the person that the 'OUTDOORS USER' gives their Outdoors Intentions details to, whether by email, printed copy, form or via an external website provider.
    The process relies on the OUTDOORS USER providing correct and comprehensive information via their chosen method.
  • No responsibility is accepted for users inputting incorrect information, including but no limited to incorrect email addresses.
  • The process relies on the TRUSTED CONTACT receiving the information from the OUTDOORS USER and following the designated process.
  • It is therefore recommended that the OUTDOORS USER checks that their TRUSTED CONTACT has received the notification of the Outdoors Intentions prior to leaving on a trip.
  • Some email clients (i.e. the system you use to send and receive emails) may not display the Outdoors Intentions email as intended. It is therefore recommended that, if you have chosen to use the email function, that you check that your ‘Trusted Contact’ has received your notification via email, that they can fully read the details and that they are happy to be your Trusted Contact, prior to leaving on a trip.
  • It is the responsibility of the OUTDOORS USER to ensure that the TRUSTED CONTACT they select is willing and able to respond and follow the process contained within the information they receive.
  • No responsibility is accepted for the TRUSTED CONTACT not receiving the information or not following the correct process.
  • The timeliness and accuracy of a search and rescue response depends somewhat on the quality, quantity and accuracy of the information that is provided by the OUTDOORS USER to the TRUSTED CONTACT and that the TRUSTED CONTACT follows the process correctly. No guarantee is given regarding search and rescue response to alert.
  • Information you submit via the Outdoors Intentions electronic form is used solely to generate an email with your intentions and facilitate sending it to your TRUSTED CONTACT.
  • Information will be stored in accordance with the Privacy Act and may be used for statistical purposes. The OUTDOORS USER, other people listed on the form, or the TRUSTED CONTACT, will never be contacted by the providers of the Outdoors Intentions mechanism and personal details will not be passed on to any third parties.
  • Internet and telecommunications providers do not guarantee uptime of their systems or delivery of electronic messages.
  • Postal services do not guarantee timeframes of delivery of physical letters, parcels or packages.
  • By using the Outdoors Intentions Process Service you accept that you have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions above
  • External providers of Outdoors Intentions may have their own terms and conditions for which they alone are responsible.
  • Whilst any external providers of Outdoors Intentions mechanisms which feature on have been approved in principle by NZSAR agencies, let it be stated that said NZSAR agencies are not responsible for the content nor functionality of such services and do not offer warrant or guarantee on behalf of the provider.
  • It is recommended that you check the full details before choosing to proceed.
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